My father did not just teach me about Great African-Americans in February, but year-round. I learned that my ancestors were more than slaves and servants. As I became older, I continued to educate myself about the path that my ancestors created. As a teacher, I try to incorporate activities and books about African-Americans in my classroom. I teach the younger grades and I try to take a gradual approach. I want them to learn more than their name, I want them to learn about their contribution.
Young children learn by being observant and connecting old experiences with new ones.
For example, it is great to talk about peanut butter and sweet
potatoes during a class discussion about George Washington Carver. Peanut butter and sweet potatoes are seen daily by school children. Another example is the traffic light, children see a traffic light all the time. The students can connect Garret A. Morgan to the traffic light while driving down the road.
potatoes during a class discussion about George Washington Carver. Peanut butter and sweet potatoes are seen daily by school children. Another example is the traffic light, children see a traffic light all the time. The students can connect Garret A. Morgan to the traffic light while driving down the road.
African-Americans have made many great contributions in our society. Our children should understand that learning about them goes beyond one month in a year.
Make Black History more than a month, make it something that is talked about daily in your home. Below, I am offering some great
books to help young kids learn about Black History.
This book is a celebration of Rosa Park's brave decision and the events that followed. I love the illustrations in this book, they're so vivid and warm. Both author and illustrator did a awesome job capturing this courageous true story.

This book is a celebration of Rosa Park's brave decision and the events that followed. I love the illustrations in this book, they're so vivid and warm. Both author and illustrator did a awesome job capturing this courageous true story.
Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
One of my favorite children books about Martin Luther King Jr. Like Rosa, this book contains awesome illustrations. This book takes you on a journey through Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and his dream of making the world peaceful. Each page contains great quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.

One of my favorite children books about Martin Luther King Jr. Like Rosa, this book contains awesome illustrations. This book takes you on a journey through Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and his dream of making the world peaceful. Each page contains great quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom (Caldecott Honor Book)
Moses is very poetic book and takes a different approach to Tubman's story. The story shows how a woman stood up and helped others to freedom.

The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales
I remember receiving this book as a child. Many people are not familiar with Virginia Hamilton and her work, her books are very good. In this book, Hamilton captures 24 Black American Folktales and beautiful paintings.

Wind Flyers
I personally attended Tuskegee University. That is why this book proves to be a great asset to this book list. It talks about a boy from Alabama with a dream to fly in the sky. It also honors the great accomplishments made by The Tuskegee Airmen.

Wind Flyers
I personally attended Tuskegee University. That is why this book proves to be a great asset to this book list. It talks about a boy from Alabama with a dream to fly in the sky. It also honors the great accomplishments made by The Tuskegee Airmen.
We March
We March takes place on August 28, 1963. The book goes through this historical day with a family that attends the great March. More than 28,000 people gathered in our nation's capital, on this day. It also highlights Dr. King's "I Have Dream" Speech.
Wilma Rudolph had polio and was paralyzed at five years old. So many people said she would not walk again. Wilma was able to beat the odds and became Olympic Gold Medalist. This book also teaches perseverance and to not give up on your dream.
Extra Books!!