Friday, November 10, 2017

Onyx McFly Saves the Day!-Book Review and Author Interview

Onyx McFly Saves Day! is not your ordinary “cute girl” story. The story is centered around the fact that there is a superhero in all of us. Onyx McFly is an eight-year-old with a hip personality and a hip boom box as her sidekick named Boom. Onyx McFly is visiting with a family member when suddenly there is an emergency and her quick thinking saves the day. Not to mention, I am loving the black girl magic! I can’t wait until this super girl has her own cartoon series (; Author Crystal Judkins not only demonstrates black girl magic, but she educates us on real-life superheroes in her book. In the last section of Onyx McFly Saves the Day, she honors some great women in history. She even educated me on some great women.

I am so glad the author of Onyx McFly Saves the Day, could sit down and answer a few questions. I can’t wait to give this book away as a giveaway and introduce little girls to Onyx McFly and her sidekick Boom!

Meet Author Crystal Judkins

Tell us a little about yourself perhaps something not many people know? 

My name is Crystal Judkins and I'm a self-published author and para educator from Alexandria, Virginia. I'm a poet, songwriter, an overall creative but I'm not as outgoing as people assume. I'm really more laid back and introverted. That's when I'm at my best creatively. 

What made you want to write books for children?

While being in education, I noticed the lack of diversity in children's literature and it always bothered me. After years of reading stories that my babies couldn't relate to, I decided that something needed to change. I wanted our children to be able to look at these pages and see themselves.

What was your favorite book or books as a child?

My favorite book was "Miss Nelson is Missing." I would read that over and over. It was just such a great concept. I also enjoyed the "Anasi the Spider" series. I was always a fan of fables/folktales and stories with great lessons. 

How did you get your ideas for this book. How did you prepare?

Honestly, her name was the first thing that came to mind.  I wanted something  hip and catchy but cute. Once I figured out her name, I thought about what I really wanted Onyx McFly to stand for. I decided she should be an unconventional superhero and just rolled with it. 

It was a very step by step process. I literally came up with Onyx's entire life before I even started writing. Character analysis if you will. Once I did that, the story pretty much flowed. I had an amazing time creating Onyx!

What do you plan on doing next in terms of children's literature?

I would love to keep releasing Onyx McFly books. I would also like to create other books for a variety of children's ages. My ultimate goal is to turn the Onyx McFly series into a cartoon. 

What advice do you have for young people who want to be writers?

Stay focused,  be creative and keep writing. It will happen! 

Where can people buy your book?

Right now it can be found on Amazon. I am currently working on a website so it will soon be available there also. 

What was one of the most surprising thing you learned in creating this book?

I was really shocked that I could write a very insightful and yet exciting children's book. I work with children but the majority of my writing is geared towards a more adult audience. I truly surprised myself. 

What were some of the challenges that you faced writing this book?

Trying to find the perfect illustrations to really fit the images I envisioned was probably the most difficult thing I had to face. Everything else pretty much fell into place.

Don't forget your Purple Cape!